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Vale View Primary School

Vale ViewPrimary School

Anti-bullying Ambassadors

Our Anti-bullying Ambassadors have received targeted training from The Diana Award Trust, a charity set up in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales with a mission to empower young people to lead change, which ensures no one if left out or left behind. 

Our Ambassadors have begun to lead change at Vale View by creating an Anti-bullying pledge and supporting class assemblies. They have held special events like Smile Days and introduced worry boxes into classrooms.

We will use this page to keep you updated about our latest projects.











Online Safety and Cyberbullying

On 23rd March our year 6 were lucky enough to have taken part in a workshop around Healthy Relationships, Online Harms, Online Safety and Cyberbullying. The workshop and presentations were run by the Police Crime Commission and Collaborate Digital.  The aim is to support young people, aged 9 to 14 years in having a healthy online life, whilst avoiding potential threats and dangers. The presentations were age appropriate and focused on healthy relationships, attitudes, behaviours, and safety as well as online harms, online safety, and positive methods of communication. The year 6 children were challenged to make a short podcast or video about what they have learned to help share the positive messages.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5


Antibullying Ambassadors 2024 / 2025