British Values
It is ours, and every school’s responsibility “to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
At Vale View we promote these values, alongside our school values in the following ways:
We have a clear Behaviour Policy and school rules which are based on our school values. Children and staff actively engage with each other to create harmonious learning environments in our school where everyone is responsible for upholding our values. Our assembles and talk times are also led by our values.
Vale View has a School Council to which members are voted in each year by their peers. Children write a statement to support their proposal to be their class representative and the children decide who will best represent them. Children understand that a place on the School Council comes with the responsibility of representing their peers’ needs and interests.
Democracy is also taught during assemblies and talk times, and children regularly get opportunities to express their views in school through Pupil Voice interviews and questionnaires.
The Rule of Law
Behaviour and safety at Vale View are an absolute priority by the entire school community. Children know what is expected of them, why rules are important.
At Vale View children develop a thorough understanding of personal responsibility and develop independence in managing relationships and behaviour. Through our whole school approach to restorative justice, we enable children to develop the language and strategies to solve conflict and right wrongs.
Children also understand that their behaviour and regard for the rules extends beyond the school itself, such as acting as school representatives while on school trips.
Individual Liberty
Vale View is a safe place for children and cultivates an atmosphere in which children can make choices about their school life in a supportive environment.
Mutual Respect
The ethos of our school nurtures an understanding of mutual respect and it underpins the engaging and exciting teaching and learning that happens here. School life at Vale View is led by our values that nurture respect, collaboration, determination, responsibility and positivity. The children and all staff connected to our school understand our values and work in a manner that encourages everyone to 'be the best they can be'.
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs
This is achieved through enhancing pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. We regularly hold whole-school assemblies to celebrate and learn about the numerous religious festivals that happen throughout the school year. Our values ensure children develop respect for each other; developing strong and lasting relationships that enable our school community to be strong and cohesive.