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Vale View Primary School

Vale ViewPrimary School

Our Rules and Rewards


We seek to place clear values and moral purpose at the heart of our school in order to develop a rich and positive learning culture; we do this by adopting a clear set of values and developing the children’s understanding of the UN Convention on the rights of the child through our assembly programme, talk times and our own charters.    

Our values are reflected in our school rules:

Be a Respectful Rhino – be considerate of the feelings of others; give space and time, look after our school and the things in it and talk politely and show kindness.

Be a Collaborative Cat - work well with others, listen and share ideas, know our role and play our part. 

Be a Determined Dog – try hard to reach our goals, keep going and show resilience and find ways to overcome obstacles and problems.

Be a Responsible Rabbit – make good decisions about our behaviour, take part and make positive contributions and be in charge of our learning by doing our best.

Be a Positive Penguin – say cheerful things to inspire ourselves and others, show enthusiasm and find the good in everything.


Promoting Positive Behaviour

At Vale View School, we have a system of rewards in place to promote the highest expectations of our pupils. We encourage, praise and reward positive behaviour through a variety of rewards which run through the school.

Class ‘Ladders’

In every classroom, there is a visual display to encourage and motivate children.  Each child has a name peg that attaches to this display. Each day all children begin on ‘Great Day’.  If a child consistently displays positive behaviour for learning, their peg will be moved towards the top. Children who end the day at the top of the ladder will be awarded with a certificate which they can take home with them to share behavioural achievements with their parents/carers.



Each class has created and agreed their own charter.  This is a unique set of rules for the children and adults to follow in order to establish a positive and respectful culture; these are developmentally appropriate and bespoke to each class.  Our playground charter has also been created with the children, led by the school council.  The playground charter sets clear guidance and expectations for the children and adults for playtimes.  It seeks to create a stimulating and positive atmosphere in order for all children to be successful. 

For example:









Individual Rewards

At times, praise may be given individually, either verbally or in the form of a sticker. Value stickers are awarded to recognise children who specifically display our school values.

Certificates and Celebration Assemblies

Every Friday, children attend a weekly Celebration Assembly which focuses on the school values. During this assembly, certificates are awarded to children who have been a positive role model, displaying one of the school values over the course of the week.  Another certificate is awarded to one child in each class that has shown a determination to be the best they can be. Parents of children receiving a certificate will be invited to attend our achievement assemblies each week.  Additional certificates are given to recognise pupil effort and achievement in other curriculum areas.   A ‘Golden Assembly’ is held on the last Friday of each term where children’s efforts and attainment across the term are recognised.


Termly Rewards

Every term the children will have the opportunity to earn a ‘Values Badge’.  These badges are awarded to children who have demonstrated the characteristics of the Value Animal that is the focus for their class during that term.  As the children progress through the school the expectations become higher and are developmentally appropriate for the children.  Children are aware of the expectations as they have been taught explicitly to them through our Values Characteristics document.


Sharing Success with our Senior Leadership Team

Children displaying exemplary behaviour relating to their weekly value will be sent to share this with a member of the Senior Leadership Team by attending ‘Hot Choc Friday’, where the children will enjoy a hot chocolate with the Headteacher, Assistant Headteacher or a member of the school Leadership Team. (Milkshake may be used in the summer months).







For more information please read our behaviour policy.