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Vale View Primary School

Vale ViewPrimary School

Term 1

Our topic this term is: Can you read me a story?

Within the warm and supportive confines of their new classroom, the children will listen to and engage with a range of stories. Children will share their own favourite stories with their new friends, and begin to explain, using their prior knowledge, why they like them. The children will explore their new environment and talk about a range of stories through role-play, small world and imaginary play.

As we play and explore, we will take part in simple pretend play, respond to new experiences and participate in everyday classroom routines.


Settling In

What an amazing time we are having whilst we settle into school life! We enjoy exploring our new classroom environment, experimenting and playing alongside our peers, showing collaboration. We are in for a fun first year of school!


Sign Spotting

We have been busy sign spotting this week! We are beginning to understand that print carries meaning and this can tell us some important information. Ask us what signs we can see around us…



Colour Spotting

This week we have been relating colours to our feelings. We have started The Drawing Club with ‘The Colour Monster’ and discovered the meaning of ‘discombobulated’. We’ve had a go at mixing colours to make new colours too. Look at our discoveries!